L’azienda Elica Propulsion Laboratory è interessata ad accogliere studenti per attività di tirocinio e tesi, incentrati sulle seguenti tematiche:

  • Perform the tests of the safety organizational unit: execute components temperature measurements with the termocouple method. Execute windings temperature measurements with the change in-resistance method as specified in the safety standard. Evaluate flammability of material according to safety standards. Evaluate plastic material resistance to heat (Ball Pressure Test). Safety electric check tests on final products: Dielectric Withstand Test AC/DC, Insulation Resistance, Grounding Test, Leakage Current Test. Simulate fault conditions on electronic power boards according to the safety international standards.
  • Define the activities for specific projects and review the test reports ensuring their correctness and quality.
  • ake care and manage any proficiency tests involving the Safety platform. Proficiency tests are mandatory tests defined by the National Component Body.
  • Identify the critical issues associated with the assigned projects and actively contribute to their solution: after the product analysis, detect possible critical aspects which can impair safety compliance. Suggest possible solutions to safety issues.
  • Check and ensure the constant updating of the product with the relevant IEC/EN/UL/CSA standards.
  • Act as a focal point for the requests on the product certification.

Vi è in particolare interesse ad attivare:

  • tirocini extracurriculari con studenti che hanno terminato la triennale e che non continueranno con la magistrale oppure con gli studenti che hanno terminato (o stanno terminando) la magistrale;
  • tirocini curriculari (anche collegati a un progetto di tesi) con laureandi sia del corso triennale sia di quello magistrale.

Gli studenti interessati sono pregati di contattare il Prof. Antonio Moschitta (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.).