Tematiche XXXIV ciclo

  1. Miniaturized Radar/RAdiometer for drone-based microwave remote-Sensing (MIRRAS) (F. Alimenti, S.Bonafoni, R. Vincenti Gatti);
  2. Predictive Models and Experimental Validation of Multicomponent Dense Spray Dynamics (M. Battistoni);
  3. Remote Sensing for Earth Observation: Image Processing with Machine Learning (ML) techniques (S.Bonafoni);
  4. Advanced industrial solutions for waste recycling and recovery and related sustainability assessment (F. Di Maria)
  5. Innovative and hybrid energy storage solutions coupled to RES plants (L. Barelli)
  6. Condition monitoring techniques for rotating machinery and applications to wind energy (F. Castellani)
  7. Machine learning tools for collaborative robotics (P. Valigi)
  8. Algorithms and systems for graph drawing and network visualization (G. Liotta, W. Didimo)
  9. Design and management of industrial systems through Parametric Simulation models in the Industry 4.0 era (L. Tiacci)
  10. Innovative control and monitoring techniques for wind turbines (F. Castellani)
  11. Shape and textural analysis of three-dimensional imaging data through machine learning for biomedical and industrial applications (F. Bianconi, M.L. Fravolini)
  12. Network function virtualization (NFV) through programmable networking techniques (G. Reali, M. Femminella)
  13. Molecular communications for interfacing and modeling living systems (G. Reali, M. Femminella)
  14. Modelling, simulation,and experimental characterization of magnetic materials and components in avionics and industrial applications. (E. Cardelli)
  15. Development of procedures for fatigue-based design and vibration qualification of mechanical components. (F. Cianetti)
  16. Advanced radiation sensors VLSI design in CMOS technology. (D. Passeri, P. Placidi)
  17. Compostable Electronics for Smart Systems CE4SS. (F. Alimenti, L. Roselli)
  18. Electronic Systems and Technologies for Precision Farming EST4PF. (L. Roselli, F. Alimenti)
  19. Reconfigurable Networks for MIMO and 5G RN4M&5G. (P. Mezzanotte, L. Roselli)
  20. Radio Frequency Systems for Wireless Power and Data Transfer RFS4WPDT. (P. Mezzanotte,V. Palazzi)
  21. Development of innovative Gasoline Direct Injection systems for the reduction of polluting emissions and energy consumption by ICEs, and of methodologies for the analysis of their behavior and their manufacturing. (C. N. Grimaldi)
  22. Development of innovative combustion systems for the reduction of polluting emissions and energy consumption by ICEs, and of methodologies for the analysis of their behavior and their production. (C. N. Grimaldi)
  23. Development and implementation of CFD-3D methodologies for the analysis of innovative combustion systems for the reduction of polluting emissions and energy consumption by ICEs. (C. N. Grimaldi, M. Battistoni, F. Mariani)
  24. An EmbeddedSystem forβ Radiological-Guided Surgery. (A. Scorzoni, P. Placidi)